Droppin' Loaves: A Bread Blog

Allspice and cloves

Posted: 2010 Nov 21 (Sun) 23:45 UTC

Allspice and cloves

I just tossed the rest of my last E series bread out the window for the birds to eat it. It had too much spice. So this time I dropped the nutmeg and added allspice. I also added some more pumpkin since it's a pretty subtle flavor. Here's the recipe:

* I added more until it wasn't so wet-looking.

Hmm. Looking at the recipe now, I wonder if I should have used half as much of each spice. Still, it is very edible. I've eaten just about half the loaf since I baked it a few hours ago. It's really good toasted with butter. Rikki said it'd be a good Thanksgiving bread.

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